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Purpose of Database Systems¶
Characteristics of DBMS(Database Management System):
- Efficiency and scalability in data access
- Reduced application development time
- Data independence (including physical data independence and logical data independence)
- Data integrity and security
- Concurrent access and robustness (i.e., recovery)
Data redundancy and inconsistency
Difficulty in accessing data
Data isolation
Integrity problems
Atomicity problems
Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial updates carried out
Concurrent-access anomalies
Security problems
安全问题:在文件系统中,很难确保只有授权的用户才能访问数据(i.e., Right person uses right data)
View of Data¶

Three-level abstraction of databases
- Physical level:描述数据在磁盘上的存储方式
- Logical level:描述在数据库中储存的数据,以及数据之间的关系
- View level:不同类型用户所看到的数据不同
Schemas and Instances¶
- Schema(模式)– the structure of the database on different level
- Instance(实例)– the actual content of the database at a particular point in time
它们的关系类比于编程语言中的 type 和 variable
- type \(\leftrightarrow\) schema, variable \(\leftrightarrow\) instance
Data Independence¶
Ability to modify a schema definition at one level without affecting a schema definition at a higher level.
- Physical Data Independence (物理数据独立性) – the ability to modify the physical schema without changing the logical schema
- Logical Data Independence (逻辑数据独立性) - the ability to modify the logical schema without changing the user view schema
Data Models¶
Data models is a collection of tools for describing data structure, data relationships, data semantics, data constraints.
- Entity-Relationship model(实体-联系模型)
- Relational model(关系模型)
Object-based data model(基于对象的数据模型)
- Object-oriented model(面向对象模型)
- Object-relational model(对象-关系模型)
Semi-structured data model(XML)(半结构化数据模型)
Other older models:
- Network model (网状模型)
- Hierarchical model(层次模型)
Database Language¶
Data Definition Language (DDL):Specification notation for defining the database schema.
Data Manipulation Language (DML):Language for accessing and manipulating the data in the database.
Data Control Language (DCL)
Data Definition Language (DDL,数据定义语言)¶
DDL statements are compiled, resulting in a set of tables stored in a special file called data dictionary (数据字典).
Data dictionary contains metadata (元数据,i.e. the data about data) about
- Database schema
Integrity constraints
- Primary Key
- Referential integrity
Data Manipulation Language (DML,数据操作语言)¶
Two classes of languages
- Procedural (过程式) – user specifies what data is required and how to get those data(e.g. C)
- Declarative (nonprocedural,陈述式,非过程式) – user specifies what data is required without specifying how to get those data(e.g. SQL)
SQL is the most widely used query language
SQL(Structured Query Language)¶
SQL is the most widely used non-procedural query language.

Database Design¶
Entity-Relationship (E-R) Model¶

Relational Model¶
A Sample of Relational Model: University Database

Database Users and Administrators¶
Users are differentiated by the way they expect to interact with the system.
- Naive users(普通用户)– invoke one of the permanent application programs that have been written previously by a high level language
- Application programmers(应用程序员)– interact with system via SQL calls
- Sophisticated users(高级用户)– form requests in a database query language
- Specialized users(专业用户)– write specialized database applications that do not fit into the traditional data processing framework
- Database administrator (DBA,数据库管理员): A special user having central control over database and programs accessing those data.

Transaction Management¶
- Concurrent use/access is important, but causes problems/conflict.
- A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database application.
- Transaction requirements include atomicity, consistence, isolation, durability.
- Transaction-management component ensures that the database remains in a consistent (or correct) state, although system failures (e.g., power failures and operating system crashes) and transaction failures.
- Concurrency-control manager controls the interaction among the concurrent transactions.
Database Architecture¶

- Storage manager
- Query processor
- Database administrator
Storage Manager¶
- Transaction manager
- Authorization and integrity manger
- File manager (interaction with the file system to process data files, data dictionary, and index files)
- Buffer manager
Query Processor¶
Query Processor includes DDL interpreter, DML compiler, and query processing.
- Parsing and translation
- Optimization
- Evaluation